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miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

UNIFORMES MILITARES de Gran Bretaña, nº 2 ) , 1950-1990. por CHRIS McNAB . fuente = Biblioteca Militar de BARCELONA.

                                      TROOPER .- 22 SAS. Regiment. Iranian Embassy Siege. 1980

                            TROPER .- Blues and Royals. Port Stanley. Falklans War. 1982.

                                  MARINE .- Royal Marines. East Falkland. Falklands War,1982.

                                   TROOPER .- 22 SAS Regiment. East Falkland. 1982.

                                  CAPTAIN .- Royal Artillery. East Falkland1982.

                                      MARINE .- 42, Comando. Port Estanley. Falklands War. 1982.

                            CORPORAL .- Army Air Corps, East Falkland 1982.

                  ESCUADRON LEADER .- Nº 1 Squadron  R.A.F. H.M.S INVINCIBLE. 1982.     

        SERGEANT-MAJOR.- Parachute Regiment, Mount Longdon. 1982. Falkland War. 

                                    MARINE .- Special Boat Squadron. San Carlos. Falklans War. 1982.

                         RIFLEMAN .- Gurkha Rifles. Western Europa.1980s.

                                      PRIVATE .- Intelligence Corps. United Kingdom ,1980.

                            CORPORAL .- Royal Engineers. United Kingdom .1985.

                               TROOPER .- 22 SAS Regiment . Kuwait. 1991

                         PRIVATE.- Parachute Regiment. Western Europe .1990s.

                                COXSWAIN .- 539 Assault Squadron . Norway .1990s

                                        GUNNER .- Royal Artillery,United Kingdom 1990s.

                     MOUNTAIN LEADER. .- M & AW Cadre . Norway 1990s.

                               MARINE .- Royal Marines .United Kingdom ,1990s.

                               TROOPER .- 22 SAS Regiment Western Europe 1990s.

                                            OFFICER.- Explosive Ordnance. Disposal 1990s.

                      PRIVATA .- 5th Airborne Brigade . S. England. 1990s



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