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viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

CARROS Y VEHICULOS de la II G.M., fuente =Biblioteca Militar de Barcelona.


                         15 cm. s. FH. 13/1(Selbstfahrlafette )
                          auf Geschützwagen LORRAINE- Schlepper (f)
                          ( Sd.kfz. 135/1)
                          Panzer-Artillerie -Regiment 155
                          21. Panzer-Division
                           Francia ,Normandia,junio de 1944.

                                 10,5 cm le. FH. 18/2 Fahrgestell
                                 auf Geschützwagen Panzer II  WESPE
                                 Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 74
                                 2. Panzer-Division
                                 Union Sovietica, 1943.  

                                    10,5cm le. FH. 18/2 Fahrgestell
                                    auf Geschützwagen Panzer  II WESPE
                                    Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 102
                                    9. Panzer Division
                                    Frente del Oeste, otoño de 1944  

                                     10,5cm le FH. 18/2 Fahrgestell
                                     auf  Geschützwagen Panzer II WESPE
                                     Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment " Grosdeutchland",

                                15 cms. FH. 18/1 auf Fahrgestell
                                Geschützwagen  III/IV (Sf)
                                Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 116
                                5. Panzer-Division
                                Union Sovietica,1944

                                       10,5 cm Le FH 18(Sf)
                                       auf Geschützwagen 39 H (f)
                                       2. Baterie
                                       Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 200
                                       21. Panzer-Division
                                       France,Normandia, junio 1944

                                          15 cm s. FH. 18 7 1 auf Fahrgestell
                                          Geschützwagen III/IV(Sf)
                                          SS-Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 9
                                          9. SS-Panzer Division "Hohenstaufen"
                                          Union Sovietica, Ucrania, Tarnopol.     

                             Geschützwagen  VI  GRILLE  17 (17 cm K52 L/50
                                                 ( DISEÑO )

                 SEGUIRAN ............VEHICULOS DE RECONOCIMIENTO...........



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