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jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

EL SOLDADO AMERICANO.-Las guerras indias-1890 (dibujado por Philip Katcher )

                             LAS GUERRAS INDIAS.-1890

                    1.- Sergeant Major ,U.S.Cavalry, 1866.
                    2.-Corporal  U.S. Cavalry ,1866.
                    3.- Captain  U.S. Cavalry,1866.
                    4.- Sergeant, U.S.Cavalry,1866.


                               1.- First  Sergeant ,U.S.Artillery, 1875.
                               2.- First Lieutenant, U.S. Cavalry,1875.
                               3.-Quarter master Sergeant,U.S.Infantry,1875.


                          1.- Officer  and Men,7th U.S. Cavalry,1876.



1.- Officers Winter Field  Dress,1870-1880.2- Trooper 10th U.S. Cavalry 1870-1880.
3.- Brigadier General George Crook,1870-1880.
4,.-Sergeant,North-West Mounted Police,1870.

  Apache Scouts and Cavalry Office,1880.

                    EL U.S. ARMY, 1890-1920

                       1.- Frst Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, 1893.
                       2.- Ordnance Sergeant,1893.
                       3.- Sergeant,24th Infantry Regiment,1893.

                           1.- Commisary Sergeant,71st New York ,Volunteer Infantry,1898.
                           2.- First Lieutenant, 1st Massachusetts Artillery,1898.
                           3.- Private,Infantry,1898.

                            1.-Major,Military Secretary´s Department ,1905.
                            2.- LieutenantColonel , Signal Corps,1905.
                            3.- Scuadron Sergeant Major ,1st Cavalry,1905.

                            1.- Captain ,Quartermaster General´s Departament,1915.
                            2.- Color Sergeant,Infantry,Scouth Carolina National Guard,1915.
                            3.- Brigadier General,1915.

    1.- Battery Quarter master sergeant,1st Battallon, 4th Regiment of Field Artillery(Mountain)1916
    2.- First Lieutenant,1916.
    3.- Colonel ,Inspector General Department 1916.


                     1.- First Sergeant,88th Infantry Division,1918.
                     2.- Mechanic, 79th,Infantry Division.
                     3.- Captain, Artillery,83rd,Infantry División ,1918.


                         1.- Captain ,1918.
                         2.- Regimental Suply Sergeant.371st, R.I.U.S.de la  157me División"Goybet",1918.
                         3.- Company Suply Sergeant,Military Police Company,Second Army Headquarters


                   1.- Military Aviator, VII Corps Army Service,1918.
                   2.- Firest Lieutenant, 310th  Engineeers,1918.

1 comentario:

  1. Hola estoy documentándome sobre uniformes para que un amigo me haga unas ilustraciones. En concreto necesitaria el escalafón completo de uniformes o insignias de las guerras de eeuu contra los indios (1890-1910)creo. ¿hay algun sitio o alguna forma de recibir ayuda? Gracias un saludo
