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martes, 19 de julio de 2011

EL SOLDADO AMERICANO .-la Guerra Civil 1861--1865. ( por Philp Katcher )

                          1.- First Lieutenant, Infantry ,1861-
                          2.- Colonel ,Infantry, 1861.
                          3.- Sergeant Mayor, Infantry ,1861.

                           1.- Firet (orderly) Sergeant,Infantry ,1863..
                           2.- Second Lieutenant, Infantry, 1863.
                          3.-  Private, Infantry, 1863.

                           1.- Captain, Cavalry, 1863.
                           2.- Lieutenant Colonel ,Cavalry ,1863.
                           3.- Sergeant,Cavalry, 1863.

                           1.- Captain,Light Artillery, 1864.
                           2.- Corporal Light Artillery 1864.
                           3.- Regimental Quartermaster, Sergeant,Heavy Artillery,1864.

                           1 .- Private ,Light Artillery, 1865.
                           2.-  Major, Heavy Artillery, 1865.
                           3.-  Musician,3rd Division ,IICorps, 1865.

                           1.- Private, Infantry, 1862.
                           2.-Private ,35th New Jersey, Infantry, 1864.
                           3.- Private,5th New York ,Infantry, 1863.

                         1.- Private, 3rd División, XII Corps,1864.
                         2.- Private, 155th Pennsylvania,Infantry ,1864.
                         3.- Captain ,155th Pennsylvania Infantry,1864.

                           1.- First Sergeant, 50th ,New York ,Engineers, 1863.
                           2.- Sergeant, 1st U.S. Sharpsooters, 1863.
                           3.- Second Lieutenant,U.S. Marine Corps,1863.

                        1.-Hospital Steward,U.S. Army,1863.
                        2.-Ambulance Corpsman,U.S. XVIII Corps , 1863.
                        3.- Assistant, Surgeons,3rd,División U.S. XVIII Corps.1863.

                      1.- Sergeant Mayor 9th U.S. Veteran Regiment Reserve Corps, 1864. .
                      2.- Ordnance Sergeant ,U.S. Army,1864.
                      3.- Private U.S. Signal Corps, 1864.

                          1.- Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant,1864.
                          2.- Mayor General George G. Meade,1864.
                          3.- Mayor, U.S. Topografical Engineers ,1864.


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