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jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

EL SOLDADO AMERICANO DESDE 1775 por Philip Katcher

                   LA GUERRA DE 1812..-
                   Nº1.- Private, 16th  US Infantry Regiment,1812.
                   Nº2.- Musician, US Foot Artillery,1812.
                   Nº3 Private,4th Rifle Regiment,1814..



                               Nº1.- Sergeant,The US Regiment of Ligt Artillery,1812.
                               Nº2.- Corporal,Pioneers, 25 th Infanteria Regiment,1814.
                               Nº3.- Sergeant,22nd US Infantry Regiment ,1813.

                       Nº1.- Lieutentant,Baltimore United Volunters ,1814.
                       Nº2.- Private Rifle Company,Legionary Corps ,Mlitia of  the Territory of Michigan.
                       Nº3.- Mayor General, US  Army,1813.

                     Nº1.-  Private,5th US Infantry Regiment,1815.
                     Nº2.-  Private,US Regiment of Light  Dragoons,1814.
                     Nº3.-  Master Workman,US Corps of Artificiers,1814.

                           LA  GUERRA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE TEXAS, 1835-1836.

                            VOLUNTARIOS DE TEXAS,1835.

                            Nº1.-  Colonel  David  Croket .
                            Nº2.-  Lieutenant Colonel William Barret Travis.
                            Nº3.-  Colonel James Bowie.

                         Nº1.-  Private,Alabama Red Rovers,.
                         Nº2.-  Volunters in US Army Uniforms.
                         Nº3.-  Private,New Orleans Greys.

                        Nº1.-  Sam  Houston.
                        Nº2.-  Volunteer Standar Bearer.
                        Nº3.-  Texas Volunteer Officier.
                        Nº4.-  Texan Cabalry Scout.

                                    LA GUERRA MEXICANO-AMERICANA1846-1848.

                               Nº1.-  Capitain,2nd US Artillery,.
                               Nº2.-  Private,Company  A, 2nd US Artillery.
                               Nº3.-  Corporal,2nd US ,Dragoon Regiment.

                                   Nº1.-  Private, 3rd US  Infantry Regiment.
                                   Nº2.-  Sergeant, 6t US Infantry Regiment.
                                   Nº3.-  Captain,4t US Infantry Regiment.

                           Nº1.-  Private,7t New York Regiment .
                           Nº2.-  Texas Ranger.
                           Nº3.-  Private,Company A, 2nd Illinois.


                                         Nº1.-  Major General,Full Dres
                                         Nº2.-  Sergeant, US Company of Sappers  Miners and Pontoniers.
                                         Nº3.-  Field Officier,US Corps of Engineers.


1 comentario:

  1. estas ilustraciones dela guerra mexicana han de ser de gerry embleton.las anteriores,las dela guerra de 1912,son claramente de Brian fosten.saludos.
