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domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

BANDERAS Y ESTANDARTES de la CABALLERIA BRITANICA,1740-1971, fuente =Biblioteca Militar de Barcelona.

        The 8th Troop Standard of the Royal Regiment of  Horse , 1685       

                 Royal Standard, 7th ( The Princess Royal) Dragoon Guards,c.1880

                         Royal Standard,1st(King´s ) Dragoons Guards, c.1870.

               King´s  Guidon ,7th  (Queen´s Own) Dragoonns,c.1750.

             Second Guidon ,9th Dragoons,c1750.

             The white Standard of the 2nd Troop of Horse Guards,1685 . The two angels which
            the Crown are still to be seens on the design of the Kettle Drum and trumpet banners
            of the Household Cabalry.

       King´s Guidon,1st Royal Dragoons,1750.

            A Union Badge Guidon of the 2nd Life Guards,c.1824.

            Second Guidon ,2nd Royal North British Dragoons,c.1785.

               Second Guidon ,6th,Inniskilling,Dragoons,c. 1800.

             King´s Standard ,1st Royal Dragoons, 1820.

       Second Guidon ,Royal North British Dragoons, c.1848.

         Royal Guidon ,1st Royal Dragoons , 1868.

                The distinctive  Monogram or Regimental Standard of the Royal Horse Guards ,1840.

      A Royal  Arms Standard  of the Life Guards , 1890. This pattern , which is carried dy both
    regiments  of the Household  Cabalry, is the Sovereing´s Standard.

      King´s Guidon ,21st Light Dragoons, (Royal Foresters),c.1762.




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