lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

EJERCITO BRITANICO(Nº 5),Regimientos y Uniformes, por el Majyor R.M.Barnes. fuente = Biblioteca Militar de Barcelona.

                      The Queen's Own ( Royal West Kent  Regiment),Officer( patrol jacket).1881.
                      The Sherwood Foresters (Not and Dervy Regiment),Officer
                       Private ( walking-out dress).1881.

                        Egypt, 1882
                       The Royal Field Artillery, Officer
                       The  1st Life Guards, Officer.
                        The Yorkand Lancaster Regiment , Private.

                         Sout Africa , 1900
                        The 14th Hussars, Officer and trumpeter  

                              The Gordon Highlanders( blue froc ),Officer.1910.
                              The Royal Scots. 1910.
                              The Argyll and Sutherland  Highlanders ( wite drill order )1910.

    The Royal Scots Greys, Mounted band.1889.

                 The 14th Hussars ,1890
                 Trooper (stable jacket) ,
                 Officer ( serge frock)
                 Officer( full dress ) 

The 11th Hussars, 1900.
Officer ( patrol jacket ).
        Lieutenant-General ( frock coat).
  Field-Marschal( full dress).
The 17th Lancers ,Officer ( full dress).
The Scots Guards,Officer( state dress).    
The 11th Hussars, Sergeant and trooper, 1904.

                 The Gloucestershire Regiment, Corporal,1900.
                 The 7th Middlesex ( London Scottih Rifle Volunteers) Lance-Corporal,1900.
                 The Irish  Guards, Regimental Sergeant-Major.1900

                The Cameronians, Sergeant signaller.1900.
                The Royal Welck Fusiliers, Pioneer.1900.

                The 6th Dragoons ,Trooper .1900
                The Irish Guards , Drummer, 1900.

       The Coldstream Guards, Drum-Major. 1900
       The Suffolk Regiment, Drum-Major. 1900
       The 2nd Life Guards , Trooper. 1900.   

    The 60th Rifles, Bugler.1906.
    The Seaforth Highlanders , Bass Drumer . 1906.
    The 2nd Life Guards, Trumpeter (State dress ).1906.

                      The Sherwood Foresters , Drummer and the Regimental ram. 1906.
                      The 6th.Dragoons Guards , Bandsman. 1906.

         The Army Ordnance Department, Colonel (Staff).1904
         The 60th Rifles, Officer. 1904 .
         Aide-de -Camp to the King. 1904.




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