domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

EJERCITO BRITANICO (Nº 4), Regimientos y Uniformes, por el Major R.M.Barnes fuente = Biblioteca Militar de Barcelona.

    The Royal Artillery(Foot),Gunner,1829.
    The 19th or 1stYorkshire ( North Riding) Regiment. Now The Green Howards, Private,1830.
    The Coldstream Guards, Sergeant,1830.

                     The 43rd or Monmouthshire Regiment (Light Infantry),Now 1st Oxford
                     and Bucks Light Infantry, Private,1834.
                    The 60th Rifles, Rifleman,1834.   

      The 14th Light Dragoons ,Later 14th Hussars, ergeant,1833.
      The 15th Hussars, Trooper 1833.
      The Royal Horse Guards, Trooper,1833.    

                    The 9th Lancers, Sergeant 1833.
                    The 6th Dragoons Guards, Trooper. 1833.

     The 56th or West Essex Regiment. Now The Essex Regiment, Sergeant,1845.
     The 68th or Durham Regiment (Light Infantry),Private ,1845.
     The Scots Fusilier Guards .Now The Scots Guards, Guardsman,1868.

                       The 66th or Berskire Regiment. Now "Royal" ,Private.1855.
                        The Royal Engineers, Sapper, 1868.

                   The 52nd Light Infantry. Colour-Sergeant( Service dressIndia ), Bandsman ( full dress)

    The Royal Artillery ( Foot ),Sergeant - Major ( undress,India),1857.
    Infantry of the Linea, Sergeant-Major ("Hot weather"dress, India )1857.
   Private ( marching order ). 1857.     

      The 4th Dragoon Guards, Trooper,1859.
      The 14th Light Dragoons, Later 14th Hussars, Trooper, 1860.
      The Royal Horse Guards, Trooper,1860.

               The 2nd (Royal North British ), Dragoons ,Trooper 1854.
               The  9th Lancers, Trooper 1840.

    The Royal Field Artillery, Bombardier,1881.
    The Highland Light Infantry, Lance -Corporal,1881.
    The Lancashire Fusiliers , Corporal.1881.

                      The Queen's ( Royal West Surrey Regiment), Sergeant.
                      The Seaforth Highlanders , Sergeant.

                          The 7th Hussars, Officer. 1846.

                       The Grenadiers Guards, Officer.(State dress ).1850
                         "           "             "        ,Sergeant( drill order ).1850
                       The 60th  Rifles , Fiel Officer.1850.

         The 11th or North Devonshire Regiment.Now The Devonshire Regiment,Officer (shell jaket).
         The 48th or Northamptonshire Regiment. Field Officer. 1855.

                       The 81st. Regiment . Now The Loyal Regiment.
                        Officer,sergeant and Private,( Service dress , India )1880




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