sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

EJERCITO BRITANICO, ( 2),Regimientos y Uniformes del-. fuente= Biblioteca Militar de Barcelona

                          The Royal Artillery.- Mtross (Gunner's Mate ) 1742.
                          The 9ht Marine Regiment ( 52nd Foot) Disbanded 1748.

 The 17th Foot Now The Ryal Leicestershire Regiment, Grenadier, 1751.
 The 2nd Dragoon  Guards ( The Queen`s Bays ),Light Dragoon, 1756 .
 The 43rd (late 42nd )Higland Regiment, Now The Black Watch, Corporal,1742.

    "The Light Infantry",private men,(From the 43rd Regiment).1758.
   A "Royal Regiment", Drummer. 1758.
   The 42nd or Royal Higland Regiment of Foot, Grenadier Sergeant.1758.

           The 64th Regiment ( previously 2/11th ), Now 1st Bn.North Staffs.Regiment, fifer ,1758.
           The 77th Montgomery  Higlanders ( Raised 1757, disbanded 1763), piper.

   The Loyal Associatedd War and Volunteer Corps of the City of London. Matross Honorable
  Artillery Company, 1799.
  The 19th Foot. Now the Worcestershire Refgiment, Sergeant-Major. 1793.
  The 7th Foot or the Royal Fusiliers(previously the Royal English Fuziliers) Fuzilieer, 1768.

               The 13th Dragoons,Later the 13th Hussars, Light Dragoons, 1775.
               The Royal Horse Guards, Trooper,1793.

                    The 2nd Horse ( until 1746 the 6th Horse ) Later the 5th Dragoon Guards.1751.
                       Kettle drummer.

                        The Royal Artillery, Officer,y General  Officer, 1759.

                           The Life Guard , Negro trumpeter, 1759.

                                  The 1st Guards , Now the Grenadiers Guards.
                                Ensign with Company Colour of 23rd Coy.    

                              The Royal Horse Artillery, Offider (Service dress),1793
                              Lieutenant-General( Half dress )1805.
                              The Rifle Corps , Now the Rifle Brigade,Officer ( Service dress),1800.

                  British Infantry Offices  50th, 38th, 34th .

                                   British Infantry Officers , 43rd and 15th  Foot.

                                        Drummer and  Drum-Major de Roll's Regiment.

           Bandsmen of 6th Warwickshire Regiment.



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