martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

BANDERAS de Infanteria Britanicas, (4), fuente = Biblioteca Militar de Barcelona.

                 Cunty Colour, Wiltshire Militia , 1760.

                  Second Colour , Agbrigg Local Militia, 1808.

     Regimental Colour , 2nd Foot , 1st Bn The Queens ( Royal West Surrey Regt.) . In use from
     10th july 1847  until  10th july ,1947.

      Regimental Colour ,2vd Battalion , Worcestershire   Regiment . Presented by HRH The
     Prince of Wales , 12th june 1894.

                  Queen´s and Regimental Colours  of 2nd Battalion , 24 Foot , presented in 1880 .Later
            2nd Bn. The South Wales  Borderers.


         Queen´s Colour ,1st Battalion . The Royal Scots . Presented by HRH The Princes Royal
        1th Octuber 1957.

         Regimental Colour , 1st. Battailon The Royal Welst Fuziliers. Presented by HM The Queen
        on the 23rd July 1954.

             Regimental Colour , 1st Battalion, Durham  Light Infantry, presented  in 1955.

              Queen´s Colour, The Duke  of Edinburgh,1959.

             Regimental Colour , 2nd Battlion , The York  and Lancaster  Regiment presented in 1927.

                Second Colour ,1st  British Fencibles, ( Glengarry Regiment),1803.

               Second Colour ,Beverley Volunteers , 1808.

       Colour, Independent Tyreril  Volunteers  & Loyal Linely Volunters, 1778.

   Regimental Colour, Robin Hood Rifles, 1859.

     The Colours of the 1st Batalion ,The North Staffordshire  Regiment. This was the last blak
    regimental colour to be carried in the British Army.

           The last Colours of The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers  before forming the new Regiment
            1st Royal Irish Rangers .

           Colours of the Portsmouth Division , Royal Marines, presented by HRH The Duke
         of Edinburg in 1956.

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