sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

BANDERAS BRITANICAS DE CABALLERIA, fuente= Biblioteca Militar de Barcelona.

                           Cornet wit the King's Guidon of the 1st Royal Dragoons, 1815.

   A Squadron  Guidon of the 2nd Dragoon Guards on their formation  in 1746.

      2nd Troop Guidon, Horse Guards, 1747.


              This regiment became the 5th Regiment of Dragoon Guards in 1788 and a
             Scuadron Guidon of 1790 is shown as figure.    

     Union Standard, Royal Horse Guards ( The Blues), 1760.

              1st Troop Standard, Horse Grenadier  Guards , c,1780.

        Regimental Guidon  of the  21st Light Dragoons of Royal Foresters, raised by the celebrated
      Marquis of Granby in 1760 but disbanded in 1763.

      Union Standard,Household Cavalry, 1820s.

     King´s Standard of the 1st King´s Dragoons Guards, 1906.

                     King William´s Standard, Royal  Horse Guards, 1835.

        One of four Guidons prerented to the 19th Light Dragoons on their return to England in
       1807 after distinguished service in India. The Elephan badge was granted  to commemorate
       the part played  by the regimentat the battle of Assaye.

           Sovereign´s  Standard, Household Cavalry, 1853.

        Regimental  Standard  2nd Horse, 1750

                   King´s  Standard of the 3rd ( Prince of Wales´s), Dragon Guards ,1914

Standard of the 4th Royal  Tank Regiment presented dy H.M. The Queen at Buckingham Palace
October 27 ,1960.        

             King´s Standard, 7th (Princes Royal´s),Dragoon Guards, 1790.

                   3rd Squadron  Standard,3rd ( Prince of Wales´s), Dragoon Guards,c1780.

                           Second Guidon, 4th ( Royal Irish )Dragoon Guards, c 1838.



2 comentarios:

  1. De Alfons Cánovas a Diego Cánovas (maquetasdiego.blogspot.com, entre otros)

    Completísimo trabajo, impagable

    Te encontré buscando imágenes del último día de la Gran Guerra


  2. fantastico y concienzudo!

