jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012

UNIFORMES MILITARES de la II GUERRA MUNDIAL,(2) por Andrew Mollo, fuente = Biblioteca Militar de Barcelona.

                               UNITED STATES, Army

                                      nº 280.- 2nd Lieutenant, US Army, 1942.

                              nº 281.- 2nd Lieutenant, US Army, 1944.
                              nº 282.- Private, US Army,1942.                            

                       nº 283.- Private, US Army,1945.

                                                  nº 284.- Private, US Army,1944.

                                  nº 285.- Major-General,US Army Airborne Forces ,1944.
                                  nº 286.- NCO, US  Army Military Police, 1942.

                              nº 287.- Sergeant Grade 4, US Army Airborne Forces, 1944.

                 nº 288.- Aircrewman, USAAF, 1944.
                nº 289.- Major-General,US Army Air Force ,1944.

                                nº 290.- Captain, US Army Air Force, 1944.

                  nº 291.- Bomber Crewman, US Army Air Force, 1945.
                  nº 292.- Technical Sergeant Grade 2, US Army Air Force, 1945.

                                                      nº 293.- Ensing, US Navy, 1944.
    Ensing Roosevelt wears standard officer´ service dress with white cap cover. Rank distintion lace and the five -pointed star of a line officer appear on the cuffs .The aiguillette was worn by presidential  aides.




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