domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

BANDERAS Y ESTANDARTES de la Caballeria Britanica, (3 )fuente= Biblioteca Militar de Barcelona.

     4th Squadron Guidon ,19th Light Dragoons,1805.

             King´s Guidon, 18th Light Dragoons , c.1805.

            King´s Guidon, 23rd Light Dragoons, 1816.


     A fine example of the beauty of the modern cabalry Standard. Presented by HM The Queen
   to The Royal Scouts Dragoons Guard at Holyrood  Park.July,2,1971, the battle honours  and
   badges of the 3rd Carabiniers and Royal Scouts Greys have been combined to produce  the
   final dessign.


       Guidon,Yarmouth Volunteer Cavalry, 1798.

      Guidon, County Slingo Light Horse,c 1786.

      Guidon Black Heat Cavalry,1798.

     3rd Troop Guidon ,Loyal Lincoln Rangers ,1798.

                Standard , Northumberland and Newcastle Volunteer Cavalry 1822.

     Guidon ,Welford and Newbury Yeomanry Cavalry,1831.

                                  SEGUIRA..........BANDERAS DE LA INFANTERIA BRITANICA.


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