martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

BANDERAS de la Infanteria Britanica,(3 ),fuente= Biblioteca Militar de Barcelona.

       King´s Colour , 3rd Bn. , 1st Foot (Royal Scouts), 1817.

                   Second Colour , 88th Foot ( Connaught Rangers , 1817.

            Major´s  Colour , 1st Foot Guards (Grenadier ),1750 .This later became the King´s Colour
          of the 3rd Battalion.

        Regimental Colour ,2nd Foot Guards ( Coldstream) with the badge of the 3rd Company, 1750.

         Colonel´s Colour , 3rd Foot Guards ( Scots),1751.

            Lieut-Colonel´s Colour , 2nd Foot Guardz ( Coldstream ),1751.

           The State Colour , Scots Guards, Presebted by Queen Victoria  in 1899 and still carried by Guards of Honour mounted on state occasions at which the Sovereing is present.

              Queen´s or Lieut-Colonels Colour ,2nd Battalion , Grenadier Guards.1896.

              Regimental Colour,1st Battalion, Scots Guards, 1896. Showing the central badge of the
             9 th  Company.

         King´s of Major´s ,3rd  Bn .Coldstream Guards ,1932. This colour shows the "pile wavy"
       , the distinguishing mark of a Major´s standard as far bak as 1642.

                      Regimental Colour , 31st ( Huntingdonshire ), Foot,1846.

               Honorary Colour , 2nd ( Queen´s Royal ) Foot,1835.

             King´s Colour , 1st  Battalion , Irish Guards . 1927.

               King´s Colour ,1st Battalion , Welsh Guards , 1927.

             Regimental Colour ,1st. Bn. Coldstream Guards , with the badge of the 22nd Company.


      Regimental Colour , 1st Bn.Irish Guards , wit the badge of the 3rd Company.

                         King´s Colour ,95th.( Derbyshire) Foot,1831.

                Regimental Colour , 55th ( Westmoreland),Foot,1850.


                          Regimental Colour ,14th ( Buckinghamshire), Foot ,1876.

                      Regimental Colour ,1st Bn. 24th ( 2nd Warwickshire),Foot, 1876.



2 comentarios:

  1. buen trabajo Alfons, dan ganas de pintar estos escuadrones.

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